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FTWD S1E2 - Madison goes to school for medicaments
Fear The Walking Dead S1E2 - Madison in school | Office scene
FTWD S1E2 - Nick gets his drugs
FTWD S1E2 - Alicia goes to Matt's House
FTWD S1E1 - Tobias brought knife to the school - Tobias talks about the virus
Fear TWD - S1E1 | Madison Finds Nick's Drugs
FTWD S1E1 - Travis told Madison about what he saw in the church
FTWD S1E2 - Nick got a seizure - Chris is on demonstration
Fear The Walking Dead S3E15 - Alica gets her friend to doctor | New group scene
FTWD S1E1 - Nick in Hospital
Madison & Travis Meet Their First Walker - Fear The Walking Dead 1x01
Fear TWD - S1E1 | Nick tells Travis about the Infected